FanFiction.Net Statistics include all fandoms in this analysis. The amount of data collected on January 1, 2011 is enormous, and we now have the ability to compare how each fandom registered within FanFiction.Net grew since our first release.
We start with the basics and site-wide descriptive statistics before entering top-level categories (Anime, Books, Games et cetera) and delving into individual fandoms. This research paper involves not only the biggest fandoms, but also more obscure, yet dynamic communities. Comparative charts and future growth predictions are presented to illustrate the trends. Off-site sources aid the study in audience profiling and global fandom trends. Due to the volume of analysis, it is presented in several consecutive posts to save scrolling space and browsing resources.
The goal of this release is to present you every category’s health check, trying to find the most resilient top-tier category of 2010.
Warning: Reading this text may take some time, so you can do it in parts. Everyone can post a comment. FFN Research has a new release in store, but it’s always nice to know what questions interest individual readers. The text was written to be simple enough for ages 13 and up, but if something confuses you or you find an error, please notify.
FanFiction.Net has 5879 fandoms (series/categories). These fandoms contain 3,744,842 stories.
The site houses 621 fandoms more than in July 15, 2010, or 1368 new fandoms since the end of 2009. 2010 created 23% of all fandoms you see now, and it was a 30% increase in total fandoms since the previous year.
An average fandom on FFN has 637 stories. A median fandom has 14 stories (69 fandoms have 14 stories), which is two stories less than six months ago. The mode fandom has 1 story (793 fandoms have only 1 story).
Below, you see how top categories fared in 2010, ranked by size. The biggest winners and losers are highlighted.
Anime/Manga has been the largest contributor in 2010, responsible for 27.6% of growth site-wide. The category gained almost 18% of new fanworks this year. Cartoons, along with TV, had more than a 25% increase in-category. Plays have shrunken by 12.7%, but their minuscule weight on FFN overall has totaled to only a -0.4% decrease in the annual growth. Nonetheless, it is strange to see a whole top-level category lose weight throughout the year. No media categories shifted in rank since the beginning of 2010.
In total, FFN grew by 20% in 2010 and received over 627,000 new story uploads. The site’s account total rose by a similar value.
Numerous fandoms arrived to the site in 2010, affecting the top media category structure. Below, you see a table with the total number of fandoms in every category on two dates and two story count meters. These are explained as follows along with other columns that may raise questions:
One – the number of fandoms in a category that has exactly one story. It is included to point out how many series can be considered a failed venture that did not generate any attention.
Under ten – the number of fandoms in a category that has less than ten (1-9) stories. It is included to point out how many series can be considered a questionable venture. Communities are very fragile at conception, and any fandom that does not have sufficient backbone in story total may not sustain itself.
It’s possible to provide additional counters like Under 100 or under 1000 on demand.
% of new – the share of new fandoms the media category received, relative to the total of new fandoms.
% of category – the increase of fandoms as a percentage of the Jan 1, 2010 fandom total
The biggest winner and loser are highlighted for you. This table reveals a lot about the health a top category has. While it is impossible to assess the sentiment in a particular series from the information above, the general moods that roamed in media categories throughout 2010 can be seen with ease. While Anime/Manga remains the FFN heavyweight in terms of story count, more than 200,000 stories ahead of the closest rival – Books, the latter is a champion of fandom counts. It is an interesting phenomenon that Books, having more fandoms, has less stories than Anime/Manga.
Before we explain it, let’s have a look at the new fandom loser of 2010, Misc. In 2010, Misc had a marginal value of fandoms. But five times more stories than its closest rival, Plays. Misc also had the lowest number of new fandoms. But all of them grew to have more than 10 stories. Misc, like Plays, should be considered anomalous based on the researcher’s opinion. However, it’s difficult to put them aside as a separate category because they depict extreme trends that occur with extreme values.
Looking at the fandom total, Misc has only 35 fandoms as of January 1, 2010. Plays have almost three times as much, but less than 100. Comics are their closest companion, and cartoons follow. Games are the middle child of Fan Fiction with a jagged transition into top categories: Anime, Book, Movie and TV. Despite these being easy to categorise by the number of fandoms, there are two more perspectives visible in the table.
TV is the top dog of new fandoms. 365 appeared in 2010, and Books are closing the gap at 332. When it comes to attempts in discovering a new driving force, TV and Books take the cake. Games and Anime are the mediocre, leaving the rest far behind. Now, lots of new fandom is not necessarily a good thing because some of them can fail. TV has a lot of new fandoms, but also a lot of failing series. In fact, the number of fandoms with one story has doubled in TV, relative to the category size. Without this perspective, we see it bright as day that TV has 49 one-fic fandoms in the beginning, and 155 in the end of the year. Talk about a crippling failure rating. The numbers can be even more frightening when you consider the possibilities of past movements in fandoms. A rise from, say 20, to 49 is not as precipitous as what we see now.
6 out of 9 categories have more questionable fandoms in 2011 than they did in 2010. 755 Book communities have less than ten stories. That is more than half of the total number of fandoms in Book. The situation is similar in other categories large by story count like Anime, TV and Movies, but not Games. Once again, Games position themselves in the middle.
By this point, it might get difficult to put all the numbers in one system, so a clutch point is necessary. In 2010, the number of questionable fandoms (under 10 stories) has risen by 40%. The total number of fandoms – 30%. In the beginning of 2011, 2600 out of 5879 fandoms had under ten stories. Ergo, the site’s questionability rating is 44%. If 44% of fandoms are in questionable condition, 56% are not, and it might explain why the site is eager to accept more fandoms. Statistics show that a new request is bound to be more successful than not.
The trend may overturn soon, though. Questionable fandoms are taking up more server space as time passes. Since their amount is rising quicker than the total number of fandoms, the series are spreading themselves thinly. How thinly? In the end of 2009, the questionability rating, under ten vs total fandoms was 41.2%. In the end of 2010, this value is 44.2%. This means that the possibility of a fandom to grow has diminished. By a margin, but an important one. If FFN is a litmus test of fan fiction trends in the world, the questionability rating is a litmus test of series (books, TV shows, games) gaining creative support.
Further illustrating the point, let’s have a look at Chart 1 with failure and questionability rating changes. This is important: the bars represent changes since the beginning of 2010, not the ratings themselves.
Categories in the chart are ranked from left to right by total story count from biggest to smallest.
Comics experienced the highest increase in failure rating, which means the amount of new fandoms in Comics was more prone to fail than in any other top category. But don’t let the percentage increase (45%) fool you, because we’re dealing with fandom numbers 8 and 19, not hundreds. This is where a small top category with 30k of stories in total may skewer perception.
Large categories should provide a more accurate display of sentiments in fandom. Failure ratings are increasing in them more than by 10%, while the increase in questionability is above 50%, with Games dropping out. If you were to draw a line from the tip of one bar (blue or yellow) to another, you’d notice a trend of sorts (tilde or squiggle), with Games, once again, dropping out of context.
Trend or no trend, categories, which have a lot to offer in terms of variety and story count, see an increase in questionability and failure. This increase weighs a lot more than any decrease available in smaller categories, only Games acting as a dampening agent. Misc and Plays did not have a dramatic increase in failure ratings partially because they lacked numerosity of fandoms in 2010 ie, did not provide enough data for a feasible conclusion in terms of dynamics.
But there still is the general outlook. Here’s a list of questionability ratings as a percentage of fandoms in the category as of January 1, 2011:
Anime – 39%; Book – 58%; Cartoons – 27%; Comics – 35%; Games – 39%; Movie – 49%; Plays – 52%; TV – 39%. Misc have 0.
These expose a fact, which may not be up to date. Saying that, in general, 58% of fandoms in Books have not gone to grow into two-digit areas does not mean this applies for 58% of fandoms created in 2010. In some cases, this applies more than 58% because the questionability ratings have, on average, increased. To turn the “some” into exact values, though, we need to find out exactly, which series contributed to overall growth.
2010 has been a productive year for several new fandoms. Names like Inception or Socrerer’s Apprentice, having come in the second half of 2010, should not surprise anyone. Since one of these happened to come to the top of 2010 fandoms, the table below reflects the last six months of the year for context.
As you can see, TV shows are dominating the table in fandom numbers (9), movies coming second (7) with two books and two cartoons filling the remaining spots. Interestingly, a Movie, not a TV show got first place. The first two fandoms, being Inception and Sherlock, leave any competition far behind. Inception appeared on FanFiction.Net on July 14th, and Sherlock – July 29th. Making a recount based on day count, Inception has a marginal lead (0.2 of a story). If the top two create a clear distinction on the list, the next nine fandoms form another group: less than 1000, more than 100 stories, which welcomes one Book, Heroes of Olympus. The third group, less than 100 ends with two Cartoons, and no Games, which have stayed in the middle of lists so far, in sight. Anime also failed to make the margin.
For categories that did not make it in the top twenty, here is a short list with the top fandom and a list they would start being present in:
Anime – Togainu no Chi (41) – Top 30
Comics – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (28) – Top 40
Games – Minecraft (14) – Top 50
Neither Plays nor Misc make it to a top ten list, pushed beyond the first hundred. But what about averages, you might ask? Surely, there might be some fandoms on the top, but, among several hundred fandoms, there might be a concentration issues, so one category takes a row of spots in the rank somewhere in the middle, while everyone else has skewed. Such an observation sounds reasonable, so some descriptive statistics are in order. For obvious reasons, you won’t see the mode. If they’re not obvious, guess, what’s the most common new fandom story number. One. The number is two for Plays, but that category has shown odd results in other parts of the analysis, so it shouldn’t surprise. The median makes sense only for Movies and TV since their top fandoms shift the average a lot, but we dodge this by removing them from the analysis (in parentheses).
Anime – 4.2
Books – 3.8
Cartoons – 13.2
Comics – 4.4
Games – 3.5
Misc - …
Movies – 16.6 (8.3)
Plays – 1.5
TV – 23.9 (14.3)
In total, new fandoms have generated under 14,000 stories in 2010.
That concludes the part dedicated to new fandoms.
Having analysed new arrivals on FanFiction.Net, a part of the audience may have gotten anxious about things more down to earth – the big players on FFN. Below, you have a top twenty table at two dates, the beginning of 2010 and 2011 along with changes in rank. Fandoms, that have gotten more popular in 2010, compared to 2009. If rank changes, the fandom is highlighted. When the number next to the fandom’s name is negative, it moves up (5-2 = 3, higher in the rank). Do not be alarmed that the sum of “+” does not equal the sum of “–“ as some fandoms that appear on the list were not in it before.
The top four does not change throughout 2010. With hefty gaps greater than 50,000 stories, that is easy to explain. Commotion occurs in the middle of the list with certain fandoms jumping over others in rows. The quickest jumper on the list is Pokemon, which topped five fandoms. Dragon Ball Z, on the other hand, is the biggest loser with five points extra. While Pokemon is a living franchise that may create an n number of games, movies and anime, Dragon Ball Z has a negative perspective. Its abrupt drop through the leaderboard has a further negative perspective due to no new content being released.
Another shift worth inspecting is Supernatural vs Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As of January, 2011, Supernatural, not Buffy, has the #1 in TV shows. The latter has been a long-standing leader in that category due to little activity in other fandoms. In fact, the vampire series has been on FFN since 1998, seven years longer than Supernatural. However, Buffy’s future is stable because there isn’t any TV show able to take its place in the nearest future.
Kingdom Hearts and Yu-Gi-Oh had an odd change in pacing, with the first gaining almost 10,000 stories and the latter only 4,000. While dedicated fans know more about activity in Kingdom Hearts being factored by new content, the side perspective is that Kingdom Hearts’ forums were decimated on FFN on November 25, 2010, the flagship forum losing 8 out of 10 posts out of more than 500,000 present. Apparently, forums and story content do not correlate well in that fandom.
The end of the list has two newcomers responsible for pushing CSI, another long-timer, present since 2001. Avatar: The Last Airbender and Death Note took its place. Both have a positive perspective, considering Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z are within range. In fact, these two, especially Avatar, are a threat to Teen Titans, which somehow managed to keep its spot as #18. On January 1, 2011, less than 400 stories separated it from Avatar. A surge of activity in Avatar is expected in the fourth quarter of 2011 when an addition to the series is scheduled.
It is improbable that fandoms, which emerged in 2010 are going to appear on the list in 2011. The main candidate, Inception, was a movie, not likely to gain enough momentum to overtake even Death Note, which has over 26,000 stories, compared to less than 2,000 of Inception.
Likewise, the possibility for an unlisted fandom to appear on the top 20 list is slim. Fandoms that used to be in the top 20, but were pushed down throughout the years, had few truly large competitors. In any case, they would have to overcome outsiders like CSI and Star Wars.
In total, top fandoms generated 230k new stories in 2010. As of January 1, 2011, top fandoms listed a sum of 1.64 million stories, almost half of all stories currently present on FanFiction.Net. The top 20 list also contains 25% of stories ever posted on the site. New fandoms brought 0.7% of this value in 2010.
You have encountered tiny fandoms that were not likely to gain any new stories due to their size. We referred to them as “failed” (1 story) and “questionable” (less than 10 stories), but these were a projection into the future. There are fandoms on FanFiction.Net, which have not gotten a single new story in the second half of 2010 (or have gotten some stories, but administrative/other deletions brought the number back to the level of Jan 1, 2010, creating a zero sum [period comparative with new fandoms]).
1814 fandoms did not receive a single new story over the last six months. This is more than the total number of new fandoms, 1386. Those 1814 fandoms contain approximately 30,291 stories.
Results are negative for all but one top-tier category. There were more fandoms being idle in every category than becoming active in 2010. In case of Misc, its inability to receive new fandoms throughout 2010 compensates the small ratio, with Anime X-overs being the only idle fandom. The situation may worsen for all Misc fandoms based on X-overs because they were created before the site established non-section crossovers, so they could be placed in the relevant fandom instead of Misc. It causes duplication of resources, but it is not as stunning as a category someone hacked on FFN (spare image).
The list you see below could have had greater inactivity values, specifically, for Plays, but a lower story count provides a completely different situation…decaying, perhaps. When the biggest series in the category (RENT) gets barely 30 extra stories in a year despite 400 being posted, conclusions get colourful.
On a lighter note, TV offers promising activity. The difference between new fandoms and inactive ones is practically non-existent, while other top categories display nearly identical ratios close to the site’s average. It applies in Books, Cartoons, Movies (and Plays). Games, along with Anime appear in a separate group with a high idleness rate. This correlates with one reader’s opinion that the site made a mistake by trusting Anime fandoms to generate its volume in the past year. Indeed, it has the most bulk, but uses a try and try again notion that had below average results in 2010.
Let’s recap and make a graphic comparison of all top tier categories. In practice, the table below is a ranked connection of the tables used above with a summary rating in the final column. The lower the value, the better fandoms in that category fared compared to others.
Given the criteria you see, TV was the healthiest top category of all in 2010, and if you want a sustainable experience in fandom, choose TV. Books is a healthy alternative, followed by Anime, Movies and Games. In fact, Games gives you the most average experience on the entire site. It’s not exceptional by any criterion, but it steers clear from any negative ratings and risks.
Cartoons and Misc may surprise you in some ways, but don’t expect much activity or exceptional review counts if you post a story there. And if you’re a really hardcore fan, 2010 offered writership like no other in Comics and Plays. When your life makes too much sense, write in the Plays category. Who knows what awaits you in a category that’s shrinking.
FanFiction. Net has 5879 fandoms, 3,744,842 stories.
The average fandom has 647 stories.
The median fandom has 14 stories.
1368 fandoms were created in 2010.
1814 fandoms did not grow in 2010.
2600 fandoms have under 10 stories.
793 fandoms have one story.
One top category shrank.
One fandom was hacked.
Largest fandom – Harry Potter.
Largest new fandom – Inception.
Fandom lists will be available shortly.
End Notes
This is only a part of the data cache collected for FFN Research, but getting it together into readable shape does take a while. Please, show your support to this research blog, so it wouldn’t die like some of the fandoms described above.
I find it amusing that someone hacked the fanfiction site. They should have hacked something more worth while.
ReplyDeleteAlso, one question. Is there a certain amount of time needed to have a fanic be considered inactive?
Good question. In the July, 2010 release, FFN Research pointed out the typical activity period on the site being six months. That in mind, half a year looks like a reasonable amount of time to conclude that the story is not going to be updated.
ReplyDeleteThere might be exceptions along with very old accounts still participating in community life, but, overall, if they haven't updated the fic for six months, it's inactive.
ReplyDeleteI'm the owner of a French website witch helps french fanfiction writers to post on I also had post some statistic about Harry Potter fandom (, and I'd like to translate and publish your statistics and make charts with.
I will naturally link to the original page and explain that it is not my own work.
Let me know what you think.
ReplyDeleteI'm the owner of a French website for and about fanfiction and I'd like to translate some of your results and chart them.
Would you give me your authorization to translate and publish this results?
I will naturally link to the original page and let my charts avaible for you if you are interrest to.
Let me know what you think.
My own statistics :
alixe75, you may translate and publish these results on your website; just be sure to reference them here.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I'll send you the link when it will be done.
Hey, thank you so much for this website! I love looking at numbers. THIS COMMENT WILL BE VERY LONG AND I'M SORRY!
ReplyDeleteYou said in your post that Buffy was safe for n°2. I have to disagree because "Glee" is really taking off. In September 2010, Glee had 10,212 fics. Six months later, the number jumped to more than 23,000 fics.
Hetalia, Percy Jackson, Pokémon, The Vampire Dairies and The Hunger Games are also starting to grow very quickly.
Between 11 septmber 2010 and 08 march 2011 (around 6 months) here are the 50 biggest increase :
1) HARRY POTTER +31.707 fics added
2) Naruto +17.556
3) Twilight +15.150
4) Glee +12.948
5) Hetalia +10.791
6) Bleach + 6.732
7) Supernatural + 5.970
8) Percy Jackson + 4.557
9) Pokémon + 4.168
10)Kingdom Hearts + 4.125
11)Vampire Diaries+ 3.268
12)Katekyo Hitman Reb. + 3.203
13)Degrassi + 3.163
14)Criminal Minds + 3.149
15)NCIS + 3.050
16)Inuyasha + 2.747
17)Doctor Who + 2.713
18)Avatar TLA + 2.487
19)Death Note + 2.596
20)Wrestling + 2.375
21)Hunger Games + 2.252
22)Fullmetal Alch.+ 2.172
23)Yu-Gi-Oh! + 2.087
24)Dr Gray-Man + 2.052
25)Sherlock BBC + 1.922
26)Merlin BBC + 1.911
27)Kuroshitsuji + 1.864
28)iCarly + 1.813
29)Bones + 1.812
30)Sonic the Hedg. + 1.762
31)Soul Eater + 1.673
32)Total Drama Island + 1.639
33)Maximum Ride + 1.565
34)South Park + 1.563
35)Final Fantasy 8 + 1.523
36)Buffy + 1.520
37)Castle + 1.499
38)One Piece + 1.414
39)Vampire Academy+ 1.341
40)Warriors + 1.237
41)Inception + 1.208
42)Sonny With A Chance + 1.163
43)Chronicles of Narnia+ 1.125
44)Star Wars + 1.095
45)Vampire Knight + 1.056
46)Shugo Chara! + 1.038
47)Teen Titans + 1.027
48)Prince of Tennis + 1.026
49)Mass Effect + 1.019
50)Dragon Age + 1.009
Everything else is under 1,000 fics added in six months time. But i predict that in the next six months some fandoms such as Torchwood, Mortal Instruments, Young Justice, Hawaii 5-0 and maybe Durarara!!, Fringe and Victorious will cross the 1k mark.
Cordeli77, that's a very interesting comment. FFN Research will be sure to consider your input when the next category-related release comes in.
ReplyDeleteAs for Buffy losing its #2, Glee would have to double in size again, and it is always more difficult to do that for larger fandoms.
I've combined your data with info collected by FFN Research and arranged a simple linear trend. If Glee keeps up the momentum, it would even out with Buffy in about 320 days, next year. The figure is 200 days for a parabolic curve that has increasing growth spurts. For the time being, however, Buffy the Vampire Slayer isn't going to let go of its spot.
If you're interested in a more detailed discussion, you may leave your contact info (pen name or email) in a comment.
This is an incredibly interesting research! I am actually contemplating doing something similar for (sister site of fanfiction) for my undergraduate geography dissertation and would love to ask you some questions. My email is, and it would be great if we could have a discussion on your work!